When should I update my website?

Is Your Website Up-to-Date?

Keeping the content on your website up-to-date helps build trust between you and your customers, who rely on your site for useful information about whatever market you are in.
Updated information also helps build domain authority. Domain authority, briefly explained, is how much of an authority on a particular subject your website is. Google considers this to be very important when trying to match search inquiries with useful and relevant information.

Is It Mobile-Friendly?

The data shows us that around 50% of web traffic comes from mobile devices like iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and tablets. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly and easy to view on a smaller screen, you could be missing out on over half of your potential customers. This has a huge impact on your business!

Is It Memorable? Does It Stand Out?

What was considered “cool” a couple years ago might be passé today. Maybe you were one of the early adopters of a new design style or aesthetic, but that was 2–4 years ago and website design trends are constantly evolving. These days many companies have similar website designs, often using cookie-cutter ready-to-go website templates. It might be time to look at some new features and/or technologies that will make your site stand out, placing you ahead of your competitors.

Does It Reflect Your Brand?

Your website promotes you 24/7 in the online world. If you’ve rebranded recently—like if your photography, style, or aesthetics have changed and evolved throughout the past seasons—your website should reflect that overall change of image. Otherwise, you might be attracting the wrong type of clients, who are after your old type of work.

Is It Easy to Update?

The major appeal of having your website utilize WordPress is that it’s an easy-to-use CMS (Content Management System) platform. With WordPress, it’s a simple, straightforward process to add a new service, team member, case study, or blog post to your website—all using existing page templates, bypassing the need to redesign the entire site. That’s why we use WordPress for all of our web development.

Is Your Website Technology Current?

Your website might reflect your current business model and branding well, but if the tech is behind the times, you’re in trouble. Even changes in UX (User Experience) design, such as mobile navigation advances, can have a huge impact on your site’s performance—and how happy it makes your audience.

Are you ready to update your website? Schedule a free consultation with Artmil. We’ll talk through your needs and get your website working smoothly and looking fly!