Andy is a busy guy. Like, really really busy.
When we approached Andy about writing a bio, he was like “What? I’ve got business cards to print and paper to cut and stuff to fold and collate…who has time to help put together a bio?!”
So, to say he’s busy and can’t get to it is an understatement. But that’s par for the course for Andy; he is so dedicated to getting our customers’ projects printed, folded, cut down, organized, stapled, labeled, stitched, glued, and addressed that he literally doesn’t have, like, 15 minutes to sit down and write some personal anecdotes…
…so we’ll write some for him, since we know him pretty well at this point.
Andy kind of found himself here by pure chance. After working as a delivery man for most of his young adult life, he was looking for a change of pace, and it just so happened that Dennis Miller and Chris Beck were getting so busy with design that they needed someone to jump in and focus on the physical production of our work. Through a mutual connection, he ended up coming in and finding his place in this job. He has an incredible eye for detail, and is amazingly organized.
Andy is really one of the unsung heroes of Artmil’s success – and it’s high time we sung about him. (We’ve commissioned a piece in his honor; we hope to hear the first draft soon.)